Fussy Vegan Brand Guide App Support

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the current version of the app?
The current version of the app is 1.4 for iOS and 1.2 for Android.
How many brands do you have listed in the app?
Our database currently has just over 2,000 brands listed as of 11 May 2019 and we are adding more brands regularly.
How accurate is the data in the app?
We carefully research every brand and company in our database to ensure accuracy. We are human though, so if you think you have found an error, please contact us so we can look at updating our database if needed.
I have the Fussy Fussy Vegan App, why do I need this app?
This app compliments our Fussy Fussy Vegan App, by allowing you to search for a particular brand, rather than a product.
What is the Animal Testing Status for a company mean?
NO ANIMAL TESTING - This company does not do any animal testing and does not request any animal testing to be completed on its behalf.
UNKNOWN - We have not been able to ascertain if this company does any animal testing.
CAUTION - This company does not do any animal testing, but may use ingredients that are sourced from suppliers that do animal testing.
DOES ANIMAL TESTING - This company still does animal testing, and or requests third parties to do animal testing.


Please find a description of each section of the Fussy Vegan Brand Guide app below. Please read through this page before emailing any support requests to us to see if we have already covered your enquiry below. If your enquiry is not covered by the information on this page, please email us and we will respond to your request, usually within 24 hours.
The app opens directly to search page. Enter the brand name in the search bar and press search.
The app will then bring up a list of brands that match your search. Tap on any of the results to see the information regarding that brand.
Fussy Vegan Brand Guide app
Fussy Vegan Brand Guide app
Brand Details
The brand details page will display the following information:
Brand Name The brand name will be seen in bold capital letters.
Parent Company: The name of the parent company that owns the brand.
Company Info: Displays a description of the parent company.
Animal Testing Status: Displays the animal testing status of the ingredient.
Last Updated: Displays the most current date that we have verified the information about the brand and company.
Company Website: Displays the parent company website
Additional Info: Displays any additional information about the brand and or company.
Fussy Vegan Brand Guide app
You can view all of the brands that you have saved to your favorites list here. You can delete any brands from your favorites list by tapping the edit button or by left swiping an entry.
ussy Vegan Brand Guide app
The settings page has the following options:
Fussy Vegan Brand Guide app
The About page shows information about the app, including the version of the app.
Rate App
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Contact Us
Opens your default email service to send us an email.
App Support
Brings you directly to this app support page. (iOS version only)
Brings you directly to the Fussy Vegan Website. (iOS version only)
More apps By The Fussy Vegan
Brings you to the app store link to our developer page on the Apple App Store. (iOS version only)
Privacy Policy
Brings you to our privacy policy on our website. (iOS version only)
Fussy Vegan Brand Guide app